Home » ‘Death of a Unicorn’ trailer promises Paul Rudd, Jenna Ortega, and murderous mythical beasts

‘Death of a Unicorn’ trailer promises Paul Rudd, Jenna Ortega, and murderous mythical beasts

by Brandon Duncan

Based on the title of A24’s Death of a Unicorn, you know a gorgeous unicorn is going to bite the dust. The film’s first trailer revealed not just how said unicorn would die (a tragic hit-and-run) but also who was responsible: father-daughter pair Elliot (Paul Rudd) and Ridley (Jenna Ortega).

But in the film’s second trailer, it becomes clear that there are multiple unicorns in the picture — and they’re on the hunt for revenge.

The trailer opens on Elliot and Ridley driving through a massive nature reserve donated by the billionaire Leopold family, played by Richard E. Grant, Téa Leoni, and Will Poulter. Apparently, it’s been untouched by man, meaning it’s the perfect place for magical creatures to flourish, unnoticed. At least, until someone hits them with a car. After that, it’s all downhill.

That’s because the discovery of Elliot and Ridley’s dead unicorn has the Leopolds seeing dollar signs. If they can harness the unicorn’s curative properties — especially its capacity for immortality — then they could make a killing.

“We have a moral imperative to harvest every last one,” Poulter’s character proclaims.

Not so fast, Leopolds! There are more unicorns out there, including a very scary dark unicorn. And they are bloodthirsty. Check out the beginnings of the unicorn gorefest in the trailer above.

Death of a Unicorn premieres March 8 at SXSW. It hits theaters March 28.

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